
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Foil Quilt Continues

I decided to simply cut my painted coffee foil into four strips, reverse the directions and zig-zag them together. I wanted to use the free motion couching foot that I had bought for my machine last year but for which I had never bought any cords. I considered trying some Genya cord but decided I liked the colours of my favorite fuzzy yarn. I knew it wasn't wide enough, so the stitches may not catch it but I hate to stop to run to the store once I'm into a project. I'd rather improvise and experiment. I also like projects with limitations. In general I think it seems to force more creativity. Anyway I tired out the yarn in my couching foot. The stitching missed it in places but caught the fuzzies enough to keep it moving in the general directions I wanted. I actually liked the finished design and effect, with some areas showing the machine stitching more than the yarn.

Next step I tried out several different colors of netting and settled on the brown. It dulls the colors some but I liked the effect. I zig-zagged the net around the edges to hold it in place. I had considered quilting over it all but decided against that.

I had planned to trim away the silver foil edeges and mount it all to a piece of purple fabric background. But I liked the foil edges as it shows its origin. (much how I often like the throwing lines to show in pottery or the natural clay to show through) So I cut strips of foil from another coffee bag. Then another idea .... I liked the idea of showing even more of the origins by using the front side of the bag. I think I'll use the foil side on the tops and bottom and the front side on the sides. But a dilemma ... what part of the front should show. By the time I fold the edges around the piece only 1/2" will show. I could have the word 'England', 'New', ' Fresh Ground' or all scenery. Any ideas?
The cinnamon stick and clay curls I'm thinking of sewing in place once the piece is completed.


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