Before I leave I'd like to pass on the Karma award that Jackie surprised me with ....

I am fairly new to blog world but have sure been enjoying the unexpected bonuses such as meeting and getting to know some wonderful people. One of those people, Jackie, became a 'live' (as opposed to 'cyber')friend when we discovered we live very close to each other. As my focus for the past couple of months has been so much on fiber I'd like to pass this award on to these wonderful fiber art bloggers ....
And another cyber friend through EtsyVeg so very worthy of this award is Kylie.
The following wording came with this award and for those who choose to pass it on can send these words on to some of their favorite bloggers .... The Karma Award: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kinds of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandize
While giving awards I'd like to mention the wonderful clay blogs by many of the Etsy Mudteam members. If you enjoy ceramics you'll enjoy their blogs and they are a friendly group! Here is a list of their blogs Etsy Mudteam Blogs