
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sewing, glazing and a bit of inspiration

I bought these three fabrics to make pillow covers for our family room but last week when I pulled them out I was in the mood for a new purse, and I didn't even have to make the pattern up as I had bought Simplicity 2617 with a purse just the size and design I wanted. So I downloaded a book from the library (Sarah's Key), put it on my I-Pod and made a purse.

If you happen to be like me and want everything available in my sewing room for whenever the mood hits to start a new project, disliking to have to make a trip to the store for a zipper for instance, then you will love having a few rolls of these zippers around. I was glad I had this roll or my pocket would not have a zipper!
 Yesterday I finally spent the day oxiding and glazing. The kiln fired during the night and Monday I open and unload.
As the sun went down a couple nights a go I couldn't resist snapping some shots of the gorgeous inspirational color!


  1. Yes, I store up supplies for the strike of a mood! lol Luv this purse and your pottery is so very cool!

  2. Oh Gina, I think that the fabrics you used for the purse is gorgeous. A much better use than pillows. Who would get to see the fabrics if you just made pillows?
    Love the objects that came out of your kiln. Funny how you can go from creating hard objects and soft ones.

  3. The purse looks adorable! The fabric choice works really well. Love the pottery too!


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