Last week I enjoyed a workshop at Palm Beach State College. Brian Somerville gave an excellent demonstration of his sculpture building techniques. He builds solid then deconstructs to hollow out, carve and then puts it all back together. Of course it is not so simple as it sounds!

Above Brian has cut through the neck and is about to remove the head. He continued cutting up his sculpture, explaining how he decides where to cut; another step that sounds easier than it is. Brian also gave a slide show each day showing past works he has created and what he learned from them. He gave us some insights into the meanings of his work and showed the path he has taken to get to where he is now. I look forward to seeing his show; I always enjoy his work and now with some insights from the artist himself I may hear even more from his sculptures.

If you're into deconstructing with a different medium; that being fabric, Judi shows her work and process over at her