Having space left in my last kiln load, I quickly rolled out, stamped and shaped several embellishments for these cards that I recently became addicted to making. The fabrics are cut from upholstery samples, stitched and mounted. Then the surprisingly time consuming but fun job of choosing a piece of clay to stitch in place.
We've had our little garden for over a year now. I'm not an avid gardener but my thumb is gradually getting a little greener. Above is a shot of the cilantro that is nearing the end of its season. I'm hoping I'll have some coriander once those flowers go to seed. 
Below I experimented with Picasso to label my garden! My broccoli never became larger than bite size before going to flower. Maybe it needs more sun. The dill too is starting to go to seed as the weather warms up, the peppers are just starting into their season and the arugula keeps getting a second and third life. Oh the arugula didn't make it into the photo. It is below the peppers.
On the other side of the house the black ti's are showing off these gorgeous flowers!And back to the garden side, my little cherry tomatoes are yummy but something is happening to the leaves. Anyone know what it is?